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Herzl R. Spiro, MD, PhD – Lifetime Achiever

Milwaukee, WI — Herzl R. Spiro, MD, PhD is being recognized by Continental Who’s Who as a Lifetime Achiever for his exemplary contributions in the medical field and his commitment to serving communities at Outreach Community Health Centers.

Dr. Herzl R. Spiro

Having garnered a well-seasoned career in psychiatry, Dr. Herzl R. Spiro is a board-certified psychiatrist with over 50 years of professional excellence. He specializes in all areas of General Psychiatry, including Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, and Trauma. Dr. Spiro is proudly serving Milwaukee and the Outreach Community Health Centers’ surrounding areas in his current capacity. He brings valuable experience in academia, serving on the faculty at The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Rutgers before becoming Professor and Chair of Psychiatry at the Medical College of Wisconsin. He also served as the Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology at The University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he is now Emeritus Professor.

In preparation for his career, Dr. Spiro completed his undergraduate studies with a Bachelor’s degree at the University of Vermont, followed by graduating as a cutting fellow in constitutional law at Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in 1956. Dr. Spiro’s medical career began after obtaining his medical degree from The Robert Larner M.D. College of Medicine at The University of Vermont. He then completed his internal medicine internship at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, followed by his residency in psychiatry at The Johns Hopkins Hospital. With a commitment to excellence, Dr. Spiro is board-certified in psychiatry through the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.

A distinguished member of his field, Dr. Spiro is a 50 Year Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a Fellow Emeritus of the American College of Psychiatry. He has published numerous research articles and books, including the author of “Of Hope: A Memoir.”

As a testament to his professional excellence, Dr. Spiro has received numerous awards throughout his career. He is the recipient of the Anton Boisen Award in Psychiatry and Religion, Distinguished Service Award from the VA, and Distinguished Alumni Award from his alma mater, University of Vermont Medical School to name a few.

In his spare time, Dr. Spiro visits the synagogue and is devoted to giving back to the Jewish community. He helped organize medical care for Rev Martin Luther King Jr.’s marches and served the Jewish Agency Absorption Committee for 20 years.  He also enjoys spending time with his family.

Dr. Spiro dedicates this honorable recognition to his family and mentors who have supported and inspired him throughout his personal and professional life. He would like to recognize his wife Barbara, his dear children, and grandchildren for their love and support. He also dedicates this to his parents Rabbi Saul and Dorothy Spiro, in loving memory, for inspiring him. Additionally, Dr. Spiro recognizes his mentors, Dr. Elkes and Dr. Jerome Frank, in loving memory.

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