St. Daniel Island, SC— Prominently featured in The Inner Circle, Mike McGuire is acknowledged as a Top Pinnacle Professional for his contributions to the Fastener Manufacturing Industry.
Mike McGuire is the proud owner of both Worldwide Fastener Sources and US Fastener Sources. Inducted into the Fastener Hall of Fame in 1994 and honored with the 2020 Industrial Fastener Institute Soaring Eagle Award for service to the fastener industry, he has dedicated his career to helping make informed decisions about the much-used multifaceted product.
To that end, Mike has created the world’s most comprehensive informational fastener website that features lists that have been Qualified, Verified and Certified of PREMIER Fastener Suppliers (Manufacturers, Importers and Master Distributors) and various types of Fastener Distributors. The Source Directory associates nearly 1,700 Fastener Suppliers with over 13,000 specific types of fasteners. With over 4,700 tradenames, this is another feature to locate sources of supply.
Other features include a 1,000 Q & A Fastener Quiz and an Industrial Fastener Study Guide for fastener training. A digital Fastener Library, 3D Fastener Printing, Job Board, Fastener History, “REAL” Live Surplus, Technical and Resource Files & Links, Catalogs, Videos, Glossary, Fastener Trivia and, the latest new feature a Fastening Application Guide for proprietary and captive fasteners.
Mr. McGuire found the National Industrial Fastener Show & Conference in 1981 and followed that up with the fastener trade magazine, the American Fastener Journal 1983. Both businesses sold in 2015. The company is also in the process of creating a course in fastening application engineering at the college level, the first of its kind in the United States, at Trident Technical College.
The website www.usfastenersources.com awards in their HONORS Program the Fastener Legend of the Year, Fastener Person of the Year, and Independent Fastener Rep of the Year. The Fastener Innovation Awards recognize the individual or company with the latest new innovative fasteners or fastening system.
Mike’s favorite saying is “Everything made has a fastener on it or the machine that made that product has a fastener on it with no exception.”