DeLand, FL— Prominently featured in The Inner Circle, Patricia Engelhardt is acknowledged as a Top Pinnacle Platinum Professional for her contributions to the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology and the Military.

Dr. Engelhardt pursued higher education at Capella University, where she earned a PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology in 2016, and is recognized by the Florida Department of Health as a registered mental health counselor since 2005.
Her over 40-year career, from active-duty military service, government service, entrepreneurial roles, to achieving her doctorate researching predictors of hostile work environments has come full circle – to the political environment today. Dr. Engelhardt’s long career has informed her need to continue research into hostile work environments, which includes the increase of hostile communities, today. She knows what hate crimes feel like in the workplace. She knows what the lack of diversity, equity, and inclusion feels like in daily living and in the pursuit of a professional career.
Touting a varied and professional career, Dr. Engelhardt served a full career in the U.S. military. One of her greatest memories, which directly informed her doctorate investigation, was serving under the command of General H. Norman Schwarzkopf at U.S. Central Command before, during, and after the first Gulf War. General Schwarzkopf’s leadership skills informed her doctorate study, which investigated leadership competencies and predictors of hostile work environments.
After military service, she was the president and chief executive officer of her own company, Engelhardt Productions, from 1992 to 1998. She was a psychotherapist for BayCare Health Systems from 2003 to 2006, a county clinic manager and psychotherapist for Apalachee Center for Psychiatric Care from 2006 to 2008; and, the Mental Health Centers of Florida between 2020 and 2021. She instructed undergraduate General Psychology at South Florida State College from 2012 to 2017. From 2017 to 2021 she was in government service as a management and program analyst for the Department of Defense.
Dedicated to service in civic advocacy, she is the founder of the Coalition of Forces for Veterans, Connecting the Red, White, and Blue, which she began in 2016. The doctor previously served as a founding board member for The Tender Loving Care Complex, Inc. from 1995 to 2015; and, served on the Board of Directors for the Guardian Ad Litem program, the American Red Cross, the Juvenile Justice Council, the Restorative Juvenile Justice program, and recently served as Board officer for a $6M Homeowner’s Association. She is a current member of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychologists and the American Psychological Association.
The doctor defines her career as one she survived, having many obstacles relating to the lack of diversity and inclusion in organizational policies. She learned many lessons and gained much wisdom, which she hopes to publish soon. She would like to write about her life experiences and integrate her research about predicting unhealthy work and community environments into her manuscripts. Through publishing her work she hopes to inform the future about the roller-coaster of life and the resiliency to survive for present and future generations.