West Linn, OR – William D. Rutherford is being recognized by Continental Who’s Who as a Pinnacle Professional in the field of Business as an Investment Executive at Rutherford Investment Management.

Specializing in individual stock selection for separately managed accounts, Rutherford Investment Management renders individualized services to individuals, pension funds, profit sharing plans, corporations, and foundations. They are a multi-capitalization growth stock manager, but offer balanced account services for clients looking for variations in the areas of domestic and international fixed income securities and international equities.
Recognized for having many years of financial investment experience, Mr. Rutherford has earned a reputation as a successful investment manager. As early as 10 years old William D. Rutherford first heard his father talking about the stock market and was instantly intrigued. Through his modest silver-dollar-a-week earnings, he was able to scrape together enough money to make his first investment. Before he entered the field of investment management, he served seventeen years as a lawyer, first as a lawyer at an insurance defense law firm, and later as House Counsel for an investment banking firm. He became the CEO of that regional investment firm. Mr. Rutherford remains a lifelong learner, infusing his client services with the many lessons gathered from leading businesses and governments to international success.
Mr. Rutherford has had an honorable career in law, politics and business, with active ties to his community.
Mr. Rutherford served as President of the McMinnville Chamber of Commerce and head of McMinnville’s award-winning downtown redevelopment, A devoted citizen, he served on active duty in the U.S. military during the Vietnam conflict and Cold War. He received National Defense service medal. He was later elected four times to the Oregon House of Representatives and subsequently Treasurer of the State of Oregon. He has served on the Portland Opera Association Board of Directors, and as a Trustee for the Oregon Nature Conservancy. He currently serves on the board of the Palm Springs Air Museum and on the investment committee of the Oregon Community Foundation. He has served as a board member of numerous international and domestic companies.
To prepare for his career, Mr. Rutherford attended the University of Oregon graduating in Economics and History. He also graduated from Harvard Law School.
William Rutherford writes a monthly article for the Daily Journal of Commerce Oregon and has been quoted and published in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The London Guardian, Smart Money Magazine, Business Week, Money Management Forum, Christian Science Monitor, Chief Executive Magazine, and Reuters. He has appeared on CNBC, Bloomberg Television, and served as speaker at numerous investor conferences. Mr. Rutherford is the author of Who Shot Goldilocks?: How Alan Greenspan Did in Our Jobs, Savings, and Retirement Plans.
Philanthropic commitments include protecting sensitive ecological areas on the Oregon Coast, such as Cascade Head, a prominent geographical location that has 30,000 annual visitors . To build a bridge of understanding among cultures and facilitate mutual problem solving, he created and funded a program at the University of Oregon that resulted in formation of a Middle Eastern Studies minor. Mr. Rutherford has also led initiatives in developing end of life care and public school music programs.